Anastasia Belous

Working with curved walls

This summer I was lucky to be working on the mural design of the parking space at the IQ Business Centre in my hometown of Kiev. We decided to go with the flow of the name of the centre and I have set my interest in the highly intellectual art of Origami - traditional Japanese figure making from paper. The more complex figures indeed require perseverance and forward-looking thinking - this concept was welcomed for the mural by the owners of the business centre. So the work began.

I was working with plain concrete grey wall and the curvature of the decent and ascent of the parking. 

First, I decided to break the plain surface of the wall visually in geometrical patterns - creating high and lows of pyramids using the base grey colour of the asphalt already presented in the space. The peaks of these pyramids were thereafter highlighted with silver, creating an interesting ‘live’ effect while the car is moving downwards or upwards.

Finally, the chosen origami figures were set on top of this geometrical pattern with certain regularity - creating a rhythm in the space. The origami figures were chosen to be made of the light green colour - one of the corporate colours of the IQ Business Centre.

The project altogether took with breaks around 3 weeks, mainly due to complexities of the space and the walls. 

It was the first time I been working with naked curved walls like this, and it was a very interesting and fulfilling experience. I would like to say many thanks to my dad and his wife in supporting me in this venture.

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